Korean cuisine

Korean  cuisine

1: Chicken  teriyaki  skewers

 Chop red chili=1tsp
Soy sauce, salt, vinegar, sesame,
and  egg  put in blander and bland
 for 2min and then put oil slowly slowly
and bland even it become creamy creamy.
Chicken boneless=1\2kg
Cabbage=15 leave
Green onion=15 leave
Sesame oil= for frying
Red chili powder=as you like
Salt = as you like
Lemon juice=2Tb
Shemla merch(capsicum)=2pices
Teriyaki sauce=2Tb
Boiled the chicken and cut
 in square shape, cabbage leave 
cut in long way , capsicum cut in
square shape  and green onion
leave in longy way . chicken, cabbage,
 capsicum, and onion is marinated by
red chilli, salt and lemon juice .
then shallow fry in sesame oil.
Then apply on sticks and dip in egg and  fry .

Fish sashimi with fried patato

Garlic & ginger paste=1Tb
Salt=as you like
Red chili powder=1Tb
Lemon juice=2Tb
Sesame oil=2Tb
Cabbage=few  leaf
Any flour =for coating
Fish is marinated with
ginger Garlic paste, salt,
 sesame, red chili Lemon juice
and leave for 2 hours.
Then shallow  fry that fish now
rap this fish in cabbage leave and
then dip in ege and then coated
with flour and leave for 5 min.
 Then shallow fry
Fried patato
Salt=as you like
Garlic and ginger paste=1Tb
Chat masala=1tb
Sesame oil=for fry
Boiled patato and then cut in square shape and mix all ingredients and then fry in sesame oil.

Kimchi  fish  piccata

Fish =1/2kg


Soya  sauce=2Tb

Chili sauce=2Tb

Chinese’s salt=1Tb

Chop red chili=1Tb

Lemon juice=2Tb

Oil=for frying

Marinated fish with all these

 ingredients and put for 2hour.

Then fry in oil

Cabbage leave=as per need


Butter= for frying

Put fry fish in cabbage and rape

 it nicely and then dip in age

 and then fry in butter.

Kim chi  quesadillas

Fine flour=1/2kg

Salt=as you like


Garlic and ginger paste=1\2ts

Hot water for mixing

Mix all ingredients  and ……

and make a roti only one side.

Fresh cream=1/2 cup


Ginger and garlic paste=1Tb

Salt=as you like

Red chili powder=1Tb

Green chili=1Tb

Khuskhas(poppy seed)=1Tb


Sesame oil=2Tb

Take oil in any pan and then

put all ingredients  with keema.

When it become fry then chop and

 make big kabab.now p[ut half kabab

in prepared roti and then fry this rote

 at other side in sesame oil

Kimchi salad

Ginger and garlic paste=1tsp

Cucumber=2(cut in longy way)



Cheer tomato=2

Lemon juice=2Tb

Salt=as you like

Chat masala=2Tb

Sesame oil=1Tb

Mix all ingredients and put in ferige for 1 hour

Samgyetang (chicken soup)

chicken=1 poo

cabbage= few leaves

whole red chili=7-9 pieces

long=6=8 pieces

ginger=7 slices


sesame oil=2Tb


chili sauce=1Tb

soya sauce=2Tb

Chinese salt=1Tb

 In  five glass water  chicken is boiled then slice nicely. In this solution we put red chili and  salt and cook it until it become soft .Take another pan and put oil and after 2 min put sesame, long and ginger , when then become some brown put oil in this solution , and then put chili sauce, soya sauce, Chinese salt and vineger. When it become some thick then serve it.

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